Obviously Lydia is very excited too!
The List:
- Sailboat pants--really unsure of the fabric. i want chambray but the local options are not great. They need to be light weight for summer--thinking seersucker will be a little too specialized to go with everything.
- Sailboat shirt--maybe in a knit and a woven.
A second pair of class picnic shortsthinking i will change this to a lazy days skirt!- ALSO...
- I'd like to add --the ruffle halter top from Oliver + S
- At least one (maybe two) bucket hats
- maybe short sleeve 90 minute shirt?
- if i get bored after all that (ha ha yeah right) i have a simplicity dress pattern i've wanted to try
Is it possible I am already feeling a little burnt out from cutting and pasting and tracing patterns? Two of my patterns have been online print patterns so that meant a lot of assembly up front. Normally I would retrace the size I am going to make onto freezer paper but I just went ahead and cut these out.
It has been surprisingly hard to not just go ahead and sew up these clothes!!! I know I will enjoy not cutting and tracing next week but that is just not my natural tendency. I am a total 'project starter' not always a 'finisher' (especially if there is a road bump along the way!). I learned this when I was knitting. Luckily I am a better 'finisher' in sewing. And of course I am still a totally hoarder whether it be yarn or fabric.
Cannot re s i s t f a b r i c.